The fungus on the legs – it is the contagious nature of the disease that provoke the disease-causing fungi. Exactly, the fungus on the feet is today one of the most widespread fungal infections (mycoses). This disease is from human to human. In this special risk group, the members of the family and friends of the sick people, for which he will be a source of infections to.

The pathogen of the fungus on the legs
The fungus actively propagated in an environment with a neutral or weakly alkaline. Therefore profuse sweating is the first and most important factor, the skin is closed the risk of mould fungus formation on the legs, in the areas where constantly. The fungus tolerates fairly low temperatures: even after the fungus is frozen, he can remain the causative agent of the disease. In turn, high temperatures on fungal negative affect: at a temperature of 75 degrees fungus dies after about 15 minutes. The process of cooking the mushroom dies after 3-5 minutes. Consequently, for the disinfection, if the risk of infection of fungus can be exposed to apply a disease of high temperatures. So, the clothes and linen of the patient, the skin in contact with diseased, we recommend carefully boil and iron. Also for the disinfection of shoes, use a percent solution of Formalin, in which the fungus dies after about twenty minutes.
The causes of the fungus on the legs
Fungi can multiply in the moist environment. Therefore, fungal diseases develop much faster, if the Shoe remains often poorly dried. The most common infection with the fungus happens in saunas, swimming pools, in showers, in constantly moist soil is an ideal environment for the propagation of the fungus.There are cases of infection with athlete's foot care products for manicure and pedicure. Note that the fungi, the causative agents of fungal infections, soak dry. During the drying process is delayed only for a certain period of the growth of fungi. But in skin scales or hairs infected Person, may be lost by the fungus remain viable, a few years to live. And if such a particle falls into the optimum for the development of the fungus conditions, the pathogen can then develop the ability to reproduce and grow.
Infection with athlete's foot is always in contact to transmit from person to person. Athlete's foot (fungus on the legs) is expressed in the majority of cases, in adult patients, in children, this disease is very rare. This feature depends on several factors – changes in the PH of the skin with age, the structure of the Horny layer of the skin, impaired immunity, and disease-provoking, often occur with increasing age. Also the fungus on the feet is manifested on the background of the changes of metabolism, endocrine diseases, diseases of the thyroid gland, the tract in addition to kidney, of the gastrointestinal. More often an infection with the fungus happens in people with blood circulation disorders in the legs, and also has a deformed feet. Stress, excessive alcohol consumption, Smoking, frequent treatment with antibiotics, anemia also States that all of the appearance of the fungus on the legs. are Very often the fungus on the feet, the patient will learn only to take place when the scheduled medical examination, or problems of a cosmetic nature and unpleasant sensations appear. However, in a state of neglect the treatment of the fungus on the legs more difficult the process seems. In addition, a number of fungi that secrete infect the human organism to toxic substances, which are full with toxic substances in the body.

Symptoms of the fungus on the legs
In General, in the case of infection by the fungus patients manifested by exfoliation and subsequent loosening of the skin, and later, in the places of the infestation of small bubbles in a liquid. A bit later, the bubbles implode, and at this point the skin cracks and signs of inflammation. The Patient does not feel a strong itching, pain, lesion healing for a very long time. Later, the fungus moved on foot, grasping the Finger of the legs, the back of the foot. In these places, also bubbles. Sometimes due to infection the blisters will form a cloudy, begin to open to Erosion. In this condition of the patient, it can cause swelling of the skin, increased temperature. If not timely measures for treatment of a fungus of the legs, then he hits the nails on the feet. The color of the nails changes, they are much destroyed poet, then perfect.
Diagnosis of the fungus on the legs
At emergence of such symptoms you must immediately contact a specialist-to the dermatologist. After the examination of the patient and carry out the necessary investigations, the doctor, the type of mushroom determines the skin struck on the feet. The diagnosis is necessarily a survey of the affected skin scales under laboratory conditions.
The treatment of the fungus on the legs
Earlier treatment of fungus on the feet, spread produced on the nails, the removal of the affected plate of the nail. But the nail grew in its place, very often mushroom was also amazed infestation. Today's operating methods, use significantly less and only in some forms of the fungus.Today, the application of modern medicines for the treatment of fungus on the feet guarantees a quick and effective healing from this disease. The majority of this funding to fight very effectively at once with a whole range of different types of fungi. Agents for the treatment of mildew to the legs parts of the medication on the systemic exposure and local drug. A positive result in their use in 95% of cases. But the medication is not prescribed to the treatment of children, pregnant and lactating women. They do not fit together with certain medications.As local funds are used, ointments, gels, Sprays, creams, powder. It is easy to apply and they are easy to fold falling in the skin and the spaces between the fingers. Such drugs in the blood do not penetrate, therefore, they are less dangerous than System Tools. But for a full exemption from a fungus, such a much longer period of time – use about a month. In addition, if the Patient has not sufficient a place of the defeat of the nail, then applying only the local resources.Drugs for the treatment of fungus on the legs of modern manufacturers of low-toxic, in addition, there is a very large selection of such means: while the therapy is used, about 200 antifungals.But even in this case, absolutely not justified. Because the doctor takes into account that the immune system of the patient, whether there is interference in the functioning of the endocrine system, how high is the sweating of the skin, and a number of other aspects.
Prevention of fungus on the legs

Experts say that a wide dissemination of the fungus on the legs provoked a General weakening of the immune system in humans due to use of too many different drugs, bad environment, lack of vitamins in the body. Therefore, the right of first refusal of these factors and methods of prevention is mildew on the legs and fungal infection in General.It is advisable at regular intervals, the courses are adaptogens and antioxidants take. It can be Siberian Ginseng, Ginseng, sea buckthorn oil, Essentiale, Vitamin E, other vitamin complexes.An infection with the fungus legs through small injuries to the feet, sweating. So, for the comfort of the sensations, you wear only comfortable, well dried and clean shoes. Shoes, it is advisable to change every day, wearing the same pair, at least on the day. Shoes process, preferably after the bear with a special Spray for the shoes. Do not go without rubber boots in public swimming pools, saunas and other places with high humidity. When visiting acquaintances, and friends better not, the strange room, Slippers, and capture your. You should not try on shoes in the Shop on bare feet – it tight sock is better. After bathing, the feet should always wipe thoroughly, and not to dry, not to forget between the fingers to RUB off. If there is doubt regarding a possible infection by the fungus, it is better, immediately on the legs anti, apply antifungal local resources. In the case of suspected infection with mould fungi, the treatment should start immediately.