One of the most common pathologies of the skin is considered to be fungus between the toes. The treatment largely depends on the concomitant diseases and the extent of the neglect. Most commonly for the elimination of signs of fungal infection, antifungal agents appointed in different forms. In the initial phase of the disease is quite effective traditional methods that you can use at home, without harm to health.
Causes of the disease
The basis of the pathological condition, the contact with the skin fungal infection and the toes provoked fungus. In the case of strong immunity of the human body infection and the disease does not repel developed. But for many people, the immune system is weakened, and is a favorable environment for the development of the disease.
By virus from an infected Person through direct contact, but also in the use of everyday objects Hygiene. Towels, Slippers and other things are the source of the infection. Predisposing factors apply:
- Dermatological diseases of a chronic nature with periodic exacerbations eczema, psoriasis, Dermatitis.
- The wear on a continuous Basis of a narrow and uncomfortable shoes made of artificial materials.
- Regular violation of the rules of personal Hygiene.
- Deficiency in an organism of vitamins and mineral compounds.
- The increased work of sweat glands, leading to the fact that between the toes dry. This causes the development of the infection and the intense multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms.
- Frequent injuries to the foot skin.
- The violation of the metabolic processes.
- Vascular pathology of the lower extremities.
- Trophic ulcers or scars in the area of the fingers and feet.
- Fungal infection of the nails, and the space between the fingers.
In the group of risk people on a continuous Basis to visit saunas, baths or swimming pools are. In these areas, fungus infection, and accumulate the largest and for the infection to a few minutes under the shower-cabin, where at this stage of an infected Person. Especially often athlete's foot develops in children, in the school or child day care facility close contact with infected individuals.
Symptoms of fungal infection
Before the treatment of fungus on the feet between the toes, you need to know what he looks like and what symptoms occur. The disease is most follows most common as:

- The first Phase is not pronounced symptoms and may go unnoticed for many people. On the tender skin between the fingers treshchinki appear, the nature of it is unhealthy. The Epidermis differs from the dryness and peels off in small scales covered. Patients worried about itching and moderate burning. You can feel it especially in the night, when the feet freed from the shoes.The active Phase follows the first and shows more features. On the site of scaly red patches. Itching accompanies the people all of the time, which leads to an irritation of the Epidermis and severe itching.
- Progressive Phase is filled by the appearance of bubbles is small, with a transparent liquid. In the case of using hydrogen bonds by contact with the tissues of stockings and shoes, blow bubbles, and a weeping surface and wounds, the bleeding often appears. Over time, these areas of crusts, brown or yellow.
- Started Phase is characterized by the spread of the pathological process in the surrounding tissue and the nail plate. The nails turn yellow, stratified and crumble. If you try to remove crusts in their place are open wounds not long treatable. Bacteria on the wound surface develop rapidly, and go into the deeper layers. The pain accompanied the people all of the time, prevents the normal movement of the skin is hyperemic and edematous. Constantly new bubbles appear, filled with fluid and pus filled. If the therapy is a lack of, can reach the disease of the muscle layer. To get rid of, it will be very difficult.
A characteristic feature of fungal growth in each Phase of the unpleasant smell of feet is also after the last wash and the processing of the shoes. In shoes also, bacteria can accumulate, and cleaning with a chemical disinfectant requires effect. The most dangerous complication of the pathological process is the penetration of fungal infections in the blood and the development of fungal infections of the internal organs.
Methods of diagnosis

To check with an experienced dermatologist enough, carefully, of the skin between the toes, in order to determine athlete's foot. But to clarify the diagnosis, the special is scratching the affected areas with the aim of his research is on the nature of the infection.
In the laboratory, the bacteriological sowing of the obtained material and reveal the exact nature of the pathogen. Thereafter, the professional can prescribe the appropriate therapy.
An important point in the diagnosis is to identify the cause and to a method for the transmission of infections. You also need to the stage of the disease determine. If the Patient prior to treatment to a specialist will be in contact with other people or family members, should a prophylactic treatment to all households with the goal of prevention of infection.
Drug Therapy
The treatment of the fungus on the toe depends on the extent of the disease. The first Phase can only heal by external means in the Form of ointments or solutions. Current cases are only the combination of the drugs with pre-formed outer sides to achieve maximum results in a short period of time.
You determine the best Option in each case, only the attending doctor should. Not even athlete's foot can be treated at home with medicines, because you often have contraindications and side effects, which often provoke allergic reactions.
If the therapy is worse ineffective within a period of 4 weeks, the condition of the patient, is the doctor takes a back scratching with the affected locations. This is necessary in order to determine the sensitivity of the bacteria to the drugs used.
Recipes Alternative Medicine
To welcome home some traditional remedies that can help the progression to stop the disease. The initial phase of fungal infection possible to cure such compositions:

- Ordinary Soda and salt. You should tablespoons in the Form of shells, to dissolve in 3 litres of water a any means. The duration of the domestic therapeutic session of not less than 20 minutes. The water is not hot, but scalding. Repeat the process daily, the duration of the course is 2 weeks. The optimal time for the treatment — before going to bed.
- Herbs-broth, on the Basis of chamomile, dry Chelidonium herb and the banana is the best home remedies is leaves with anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory effect. Cook it simply, is 50 G of each ingredient, carefully grind and cook in 3 L of water for at least 5 minutes. The filtered Medium is ready to use after 20 minutes. In the broth of the feet to omit and hold until cool down is complete. To perform the therapy daily at bedtime for 2-3 weeks.
- Vinegar, areas between the fingers or lotions must for the daily cleaning of the problem. The second variant is suitable in the initial phase, if the property is a small defeat. Lotions are sticks of watts, previously moistened with vinegar 9% and applied to the site of the lesion in 20 minutes. Per day up to 3 treatments may. The therapeutic effect after 10 days of regular application.
- Alcohol solution of iodine 5% allows you to get rid of the fungus for 2 weeks. The treatment should be in the morning and in the evening. Before the procedure, feet are recommended in hot steam from the bath and towel dry. When the processing is not to note that not only the skin but also nail boards, spread the infection. This method may only phase in the beginning. Upon contact with iodine in an open wound the risk of fire and deterioration of the condition of the patient increases.
- The potassium permanganate in the initial phase, may for the treatment of the affected areas, or the vapors of the feet. For the solution you need to in hot water, add a few crystals unsaturated pink hue. In the received solution soar feet 20 minutes a day, or a cotton swab, moisten, and several times a day lubricate the area of inflammation can. Usually a 2 weeks of regular application of a procedure is enough to completely get rid of the fungus.
- Birch tar can be purchased at the pharmacy. Apply there should be zones in their pure Form on the issue and the nail plate. The layer should be thin, the contact time is not more than 40 minutes, because it is quite aggressive means, and not rarely provokes allergic reactions. If it is impossible to get it may not only wash your feet every evening soap out of tar. The duration of therapy tar is not longer than 10 days. Soap as prophylaxis is allowed on a continuous Basis.

The application of national funds requires consultation with a specialist to prevent complications.
Prevention of infection
Prevention of disease help of simple measures of prevention. You must strictly to the rules of Hygiene, the preference to, socks, and shoes made of natural materials, in a timely manner all diseases of the skin on the legs or minor injuries to treat. After the visit of the swimming pool or the Sauna, it is recommended that the treatment of the feet with antiseptic solutions and do not allow the use of foreign means of personal Hygiene.
When the first signs of fungus infestation, we recommend to immediately start a treatment. It will get rid of, to avoid the problems in a short period of time and complications.