According to statistics mushroom develop 20% of the total population. Many let the disease take its course and then regret, because the disease progresses to other areas of the skin and internal organs, there are complications, the Patient fungus provides an aesthetic and physical discomfort.
The disease in any part of the body: the skin, the internal organs, of bone tissue, for example, the nail plate will appear. As soon as there are signs of a disease, it is urgently necessary, access to an experienced dermatologist, the treatment was progressive, and the Patient's pain got rid of, various inconveniences.
For fungal of the foot, the first symptoms usually manifest themselves between the fingers. Here itching, inflammation, dryness and flaking occurs. There are several types of fungus between the fingers, in dependence on him to change, and medications. With this, a specialist must. In this article explains what fungus between the toes there are symptoms, the causes, how to cure him, look at the photo.
The causes of the fungus between the toes
Regardless of the localization of the lesion by a fungus, the etiology of the disease remains constant. In 60-70% of people who consult a doctor, the fungal sex calls namely dermatophytes. The doctor is supposed to install. There is a mushroom for the following reasons:
- When you visit public places, where there is a warm and humid micro-climate, high risk of infection. This also applies to employees of these places, and not just visitors. In this case, you must comply with preventive measures.
- The infection of a family member or roommate is home. Normal floor or carpet can be a source of disease, and in families even more than high risk, since they are usually together, means of Hygiene: wash cloths, towels, manicure accessories, various Hygiene made products.
- The wearing of foreign clothing (socks) or shoes.
- Higher is the risk of infection in people at risk, to which the patients with a poor immune protection, Beriberi, and in areas with bad environmental Situation, sick of endocrine disorders, such as obesity and Diabetes, or cardiovascular systems, the people, the antibiotics and hormones excessively, with sweat and dryness of the feet, pregnant women.
- Pathology of the skin on the feet and between the toes.
- Wounds, scratches and cuts between the fingers.
- Poor blood supply in the legs.
The symptoms of the fungus between the toes
The fungus between the toes appears to be due to the propagation of fungi of this type, such as types of fungi, dermatophytes, yeast.
The symptoms of the disease can be divided into Phase.
So, at the beginning of the disease the fungus is growing ordered in the rule. The fungus infects the area between the middle, ring finger and little fingers on the legs. Then the disease progresses to the feet.
- The first Phase, the records as deleted, by dryness of the skin between the toes, because it is peeling observed on the cover-cracks in the entire foot, and in the Inter-Zone, the upper layer of the Dermis. Can the Patient complain of pain, itching and burning in the affected areas. This Phase is perhaps not so noticeable to the patient, so that he considers necessary to contact a skin doctor. It is very important to diagnose the disease at this stage, to prevent complications and Progression of the disease.
- The second stage – disgidrotical. Symptoms of this Phase patients, the patients turn to the specialists. In the second Phase of the papules on the skin and inflamed. The skin, the dryness is thickened, felt, fingers, and feet swell. The itching is unbearable, the Patient complains of severe pain, especially when walking. Stage, will bring considerable physical discomfort.
- The third stage – squamous gipertroficescoy. The disease progresses, the skin gets an evil look, thickened. Cracks become larger and deeper, forming exesa land. On the fingers, and between them a white Patina appears. Itching may be the same or strengthened.
- The fourth and last Phase – intertriginoznoy. In this stage, the affected areas are filled notice with pus, inflammation in the Form of red areas. To move the Patient is difficult because of the pain on the feet when walking. The feet swelling, papules face up and keep the open wounds leading to secondary infections. The disease spreads to other areas of the legs, including the to the nail plate.
Treatment of fungus between the toes
The dermatologist performs all the necessary procedures for an accurate diagnosis of the disease. The genus of the fungus, early in the morning the skin.
It is a method of self-diagnosis of the fungus, whose feet are dipped in a solution of potassium permanganate and leave for ten minutes. Healthy skin of the Patient is not pigmented. In this way, you can identify the disease at the beginning of their development and in time to see a doctor.
The doctor asks the patient. What are its symptoms like a long time, there was a disease, whether there are any diseases of the internal organs. Then, the dermatologist performs the visual inspection of the affected regions. A biopsy of the skin, to clarify the nature of the fungus. Also, for the diagnostic and the creation of Schema therapy, the following techniques:
- Examination of the skin under the lamp black light (Wood's lamp). This method is very fast – less than a Minute, because UV light can damage the health.
- The bacteriological quality of seeds shall be made within 20 days, but with this method you can create exactly the type of fungus and the further course of the treatment.
The doctor also determines the degree of the immune response. Told, what to treat and how you fungus between the toes.
As practice shows, the best results can be achieved by various forms of drugs. Such a treatment is as multi-faceted, it involves the use of various forms of drugs (ointments, creams, Sprays), in the course of the various procedures, the use of recipes of traditional medicine for strengthening the effectiveness of drugs. Assign the complex of treatment should be the doctor. The duration of the therapy can take a month or several years, depending on the type of fungus and the stage of the disease.
Usually the drugs are of the following types:
- Hormonal agents by the fungus between the toes. They contain in their composition the active ingredient that a hormone. It is the most effective means, but the use should only friction on medical prescription and if the usual medicines do not help.
- The usual ointments, creams, gels, drops, Sprays. The most common type of medication for the therapy.
- Vitamins and minerals.
During the treatment, you can through physical therapy, and proper nutrition improve the metabolism and improve the immunity, is recommended.
Treatment of fungus between the toes of folk medicine
Homemade medicine in an independent Form, the therapeutic effect is not practically responsible, but if we like it with drugs in the adjuvant therapy as a Supplement, then the result is very. You treat the fungus between the toes at home without consulting with a specialist is not recommended.
Please note!
Many drugs are prohibited for pregnant women, lactating women, and children, cause an allergic reaction in patients due to synthetic composition. In this case, without the use of natural resources not to do. Prior to the use of home remedies, the Patient must check an allergic reaction.
In General, for the treatment of fungus between the fingers, used Trays with different ingredients, such as:
- Salt and sodium bicarbonate. You use the bathroom with these components, both separately and together. In the water, feet lowered for 15-20 minutes, before the procedure is necessary, rinse and dry the feet. After the procedure, drying them with a towel, put the socks.
- Wine and cider vinegar can effectively destroy the fungus. In water with a concentrated solution of vinegar of the feet for 10-15 minutes will not reduce and dried, after the procedure, the legs.
- A decoction of wolf's milk is also very effective. Brewed and insist, add to the bath and keep the feet for 20 minutes. This procedure can be performed twice per week.
Also far recipes lotions spread. In them moistened cotton swab and treat the affected area. For lotions the following Tools:
- Potassium permanganate solution with the skin and leave for fifteen minutes. After the procedure, you must wash off the medium.
- The skin of the onion juice within ten minutes maintained.
Treatment of fungus between the toes drug methods

As already mentioned, the best treatment is a comprehensive. It involves the use of drugs in various forms. Adults usually have stronger ointment and tablets, children – gels and creams.
Medications for fungus are in the forms of:
- Ointments, Creams, Gels.
- Sprays, Aerosols.
- Drops.
- Tablets and injection solutions.
Medications with hormones in the composition, in this case, not for children, pregnant and lactating women, as they are very active influence on the body. You, the treating doctor can assign, if the usual medications to help. In the case of hormonal drugs, the list of contraindications and side effects.
Prevention of fungus between the toes
For effective treatment and to prevent re-infection by a fungus between the toes, it is advisable to take preventive measures:
- Improving the immunity. For this purpose it is necessary to eat right, feel slight physical stress, to harden, to drink vitamins. Avoid overdose of drugs.
- The attention to the General health, the healing of diseases of the internal organs.
- Avoid mechanical damage to the legs.
- Try not to public places where it is possible, the indwelling fungal cells.
- You give not foreign and do not use foreign clothes and the shoes.
- Treatment of all sick mushroom family members.
- Compliance with the rules of Hygiene.
- In time to see a doctor.