In order to heal started fungal infection folk medicine, it is important to know what to be afraid of nail fungus. The success of intensive therapy, clinical outcome depends on. The main thing – to stop the pathological process of propagation of the infection to stop a seizure. Productive to defeat nail fungus folk medicine, you need to go to a skin doctor and diagnostics, break in the ICU.

What is the nail fungus is
This defeat of the nail plate yeast or fungal pores with the Deformation, changing the structure of the nail plate. If in the pathological process involved a nail, it is not excluded that a dangerous fungus on the healthy surface, the surrounding soft parts. The disease progresses under the influence of aggressive factors, needs of conservative therapy with the participation of antifungals.
Treatment of onychomycosis
The home treatment the advanced stage of the disease is not characteristic difficult to conservative therapy, without medical involvement. Approach to the Problem with the health is a comprehensive, unconditional compliance with the rules of personal Hygiene, medical nutrition, necessary intake of vitamins oral. Physicians have previously made diagnosis to give the following recommendations:
- During the treatment personal Hygiene should protect you not use common utensils and other household items.
- You need to treat it with care, shoes, during the intensive therapy nail fungus again have not progressed.
- It is extremely to dispose of it is important to further strengthen the natural immunity and pharmacological.
What is fear of nail fungus on the feet is
In the case of itching and burning of the skin, cosmetic defect of the nail plate required unplanned an appointment with a dermatologist, the mycologist. In the complex treatment, the Patient should know what pathogen anxiety, the treatment of onychomycosis, a maximum design productive. This valuable information, the dermatologist provides, so you will not even doubtful, discouraged. So, malicious nail fungus on the feet is afraid, has:
- dies at high temperatures;
- Fear of the cooking, a bleaching agent;
- reduces increased activity in the hot baths;
- a negative acidic environment takes;
- shows a high sensitivity to the antifungal agent;
- weakens the pathogenic effect when in contact with hydrogen peroxide;
- loses in the battle with garlic and celandine.
The temperature at which the fungus dies
We should talk about the higher temperature range, the pathogenic fungus-Flora of origin, first reduced its activity, and even dies with the fastest deducing from an organism. It is important to know that dies at a temperature of 75 degrees fungus after 15 minutes. This information is particularly important to cook because the infected things to the complete disinfection is required at least 5 minutes before the final destruction of the pathogenic microorganisms.

In the case of fungal infections, the treating doctor is mandatory antifungals points to the inside and the outside. Otherwise, the positive dynamics even non-existent, and the disease gradually progresses. A conservative treatment was productive, it is important to know what anxiety pathogenic microbe, and what are the pharmacological groups offer a long-lasting therapeutic effect:
- Antihistamines the symptoms of allergies;
- local antiseptics, such as iodine solution;
- Antifungal;
- immune stimulants;
- Multivitamin complexes.
To open up for the cure of onychomycosis, requires the medicines for internal use.
Antifungal Ointments
In order to win the nail fungus on the feet, the first thing that is necessary, cut open the affected nail plate, and after, creams, ointments and solutions, with a significant anti-mycotic effect. In the treatment not only the affected nails of the foot, but also the soft parts, inflammation of the nail skin need.
Special Coatings
Positive reviews are observed when the affected areas to lubricate Anti-fungal lacquer, according to the instructions for use. The convenience of this Form of publication, the possibility of the medication not more than 2 – 3 times per week, targeted effect on the pathogenic Flora.
The treatment of nail fungus started in the Form of
In difficult clinical pictures can be included, the operating methods for the removal of a fungus-infected nail plate. In order to cure characteristic of suffering, it is necessary to provisionally steam Nidus decoction of herbs, and then cut the length of visible lesions, detachment of the nail from the bed.
Folk Remedies
Prior to the use of the methods of alternative medicine requires a good steam, the the nail plate treated by local antiseptics, such as tea tree oil, let it dry. To cure fungus, in the future, traditional means in the Form of compresses, hot baths, tinctures, and other external means, it is important not to burn face.
Apple cider vinegar
Medical alcohol and Apple cider vinegar requires to combine in equal proportions. To 1 tbsp of the finished composition add 1 teaspoon of Glycerin, mixing thoroughly. Fungal fear, when the nails drugs apply 1 drop morning and evening during 2 – 3 weeks. Reviews about this type of treatment is positive, the main thing – do not wash and do not wash the applied composition.

You can use the anti fungal ointment Tinedol, but cheaper costs tried and tested traditional recipes. For example, in the use of cooking salt to 1 tbsp. L. crystals dissolve in 1 tbsp warm water and mix. You use the resulting medication for the execution of the bactericidal baths 10 – 15 minutes. You Can Use Sea Salt.
So you use baking powder, 1 TSP. of lye, set to dissolve in a glass of water, stir, and lower the affected nails for 15 to 20 minutes. To strengthen, the General therapeutic effect, RUB the affected area of concentrated juice of celandine or tea mushroom. Repeat this process best in the morning and in the evening before the complete disappearance of unpleasant symptoms.
Essential oil
Real reviews about such therapy also has a positive effect, especially if oil based use tea tree oil. For the production of natural medicines, afraid of the fungus, requires 3 – 5 drops of essential oil, add 2 liters of water. After that, you have to be to leave the water, the affected limb, follow the procedure daily for 15 – 20 minutes until recovery.