According to studies, each third man has with a fungal disease of the nails. Where the fungus on the nails met only a few decades ago rarely.

According to the researchers, this prevalence of the disease is the fact that they are created for the strengthening of the human health through the benefits of the use of civilization: high availability in swimming pools, public saunas, fitness studios,. But deal with building muscle mass or getting rid of excess weight, the man rarely draws attention to the threat next to him: pathogenic fungi that are just waiting to be one with the new "master". The consequences (and not only aesthetic in nature) is not to wait. Darkened, not loose, Peeling nails, the unpleasant smell of feet and shoes – by far the worst symptoms of the disease. Without treatment, the fungus is able to the adjacent areas of the body, the local immunity and promote secondary infection to penetrate into the tissues and blood of pathogenic bacteria, but also a reason for the contagion to other. Risk the members of the family of the patients - people whose skin is in contact with the surface on which the microscope, remain particle of infected skin. This is exactly why is the purchase for the in-house pharmacy, effective remedy for nail fungus – a great idea, especially if you visit a gym, swimming pools and other public places, where there is a high probability of infection by the fungus. So, what are the best remedies against nail fungus are offered by the modern pharmaceutical and folk medicine?
The best medication of nail fungus
In a group of drugs which is the active ingredient in a high "cumulative" effect. This means that the use of the substance of the drug in the tissue is nail, the accumulation of plate, and gradually reached its maximum concentration, harmful to fungi. Auxiliaries, members of the drug, facilitate the penetration of substances in the nail tubules, which are actually, and the fungus spreads. Advantages of the use. About anti-fungal, and inhibits the secondary infection of the damaged tissue, relieves itching and in a short time provoked fungus relieves inflammation, like defeat. Disadvantages. Clinical trials of the drug, confirmed or disproved, has not been conducted on its safety yet. Today, therefore, the drug is pregnant women is contraindicated for the treatment of children, and nursing women, and people with intolerance to a component of the tool. Result. The complex effect of such drugs – it is the only, although substantial advantage, that insured the drug 9 points out of ten in the ranking of the best remedies against nail fungus.
From the reviews: "the Treated fungus on the nails and on the skin between the fingers. To be honest, for example, the fungus can survive, but not itching caused. This drug literally overnight itching moved, although the actual fungus treated according to the instructions – until the complete regrowth of the nail". Active ingredient against the fungus has a strong antifungal effect, and is effective against most yeasts, moulds and other fungi. Penetrates into the tissue of the nail, the affected fungus that breaks down the active ingredient is destroyed in these organisms, metabolism and cell wall, what is a stop-factor for the formation of colonies of fungi and their further propagation. Advantages of the use. High efficacy in clinical trials is confirmed, but the percentage of healing of lesions of the nails least, taken into account: the focus was on fungal diseases of the skin. For this reason, it is difficult to say: whether or not the cream is effective the skin in the case of onychomycosis, as in the case of seborrhea of the scalp. But what is really proved – the local use of the active ingredients are not detectable in the blood for long periods of use of funds. Therefore, for the treatment of breast, pregnant and people with any diseases of the kidneys and the liver allows this cream. Disadvantages. Not a very convenient scheme of using the cream (twice a day) in combination with the consistency – not too thick and buttery, complexity can deliver. This is especially true for those, the treatment of prisoners on the street or outside the house.
Result. A total Shampoo 10 points earned out of ten. But not enough large-scale clinical studies with respect to the questions that are of interest to us here and now – the treatment of nail fungus - yet, the evaluation of reduce. So, concentrate on 9 points. From the reviews: "I use the Shampoo like, if you treated the oily seborrhea of the head. So, if discovered fungus on the nail immediately the eponymous cream bought. Yet non – obvious results are noticed on the nail-the beginning of the treatment only a week, but the skin around the nail is healthier". The active ingredient inhibits the growth and activity of various species of fungi, including those that cause the defeat of the nails. With the correct use of the medicinal product according to the instructions in the brand, the Boring with different forms of publication, which prevents over a longer period of time reinfection is. Advantages of the use. The convenience consists in the possibility of choice of the dosage form as a Spray, solution, Gel, or cream. All forms of release of the drug as well as all of the effectively. In the case of the correct application of the drug, obvious improvements occur after only 2 weeks.
Disadvantages. High-quality treatment that this Tool provides, because of the powerful effect of the drug with different forms of publication. But precisely for this reason the treatment of nail fungus is in lactating, pregnant and in children under 12 years is contraindicated. Result. One of the best remedies for toe nail fungus, popular around the world, but requires the rules of a strict observance of the "game". Earned 10 of 10 points. From the reviews: "I think that the price is overestimated, even though you use it, in the Form of a Spray is really convenient. Fungus, however, such as process method: cold drawn / cold nail, enjoyed the medication about a month". In coatings for the treatment of nail fungus uses different active ingredients, and the cost of such medicines is ranked. These are the best and most popular lacquers for the treatment of fungal infections of the nails, and they all share the same advantages of use and disadvantages.
Advantages of the use. Each of the active substances is a strong antifungal agent, inhibit the growth and activity of fungi. Usability paints leaves no room for doubt – periodic or one-time treatment of the affected nail prior to the first (or any) about the use of the funds, and then only the instructions stays: "tinting" nail once or twice a day or even once per week. Disadvantages. Unfortunately, mycotic substances, despite the effectiveness of anti-in of the coatings, they are ineffective in the case of deep fungal infections, as well as the localization of the fungus under the nail plate. This Swiss chard, to some extent, Standard offset ability of the nail to accumulate drug in the course of time, extend inwardly. But even given this, there is no guarantee that a few months after completion of treatment, the fungus will appear "out of nothing". How do you know: of the sides of the nail, in the non-active substances were able to penetrate.
Result. The impossibility to predict the effectiveness of treatment robs immediately even the best varnishes for the treatment of nail fungus few Ranking points. But then returned because it is still the best means for the prevention of fungal infections. So those who use the public swimming pools, saunas and gymnasiums, it is interesting to learn to be "dualistic" assessment of the paints: we will give you 7 points out of 10-only as a medicament for the treatment, and 10 out of 10 as a means for the prevention of nail fungus. From the reviews on coatings of nail fungus: "Treated the fungus on the big toe – the effect was absolutely zero. True, I had no chance, the steam from the leg, put the paint on dry land. In a few months another drug bought and do not regret: to destroy the fungus just started finger nail, I made everything according to the instructions. After 2 months, and nothing is left". In the composition of tea tree oil are terpenes, which are the basis for the antiseptic, anti viral and anti septic anti-inflammatory effect of the agent contains. And tea tree oil - the most potent anti-microbial substance previously known only in the oil of tea tree, which makes it really unique.
Advantages of the use. In view of the 100% natural origin of the oil, disease can be an indicator for the treatment of fungus of the nails and the skin of the foot even in the case of pregnant women, mothers, nursing, babies and children. A pronounced antifungal effect, suppresses the growth of fungi, and anti-microbial effect of secondary infections, stages, weakened activity of the disease-causing micro-organisms. Disadvantages. A strong smell, which describe some of the, how pleasant and fresh, on the other hand, it seems to be something "medical". The spectrum of action of tea tree oil are wide, but some species of fungi resistant to oil of tea tree, so that this agent is useless in the treatment of fungal infections. Also, the oil is not recommended people with individual intolerance to the components of the Tools. Result. The almost complete absence of contraindications, effectiveness, complex, action – all of this makes this tea tree oil best folk medicine of nail fungus and give it 10 points out of ten.From the reviews: "treat Had recurrent fungus on the legs during pregnancy. Synthetic drugs want to use, put on the tea tree oil. I can say that the best remedy for nail fungus I was still in the Hand: to grow from the "root" of the nail began to smooth and pink. Now I deal with constantly from the inside road, and homemade shoes, this oil is already 7 years old forget it, like fungus."
What you need to know in the treatment of nail fungus?
The effectiveness of the agent against the nail fungus, you can increase considerably, if you have such "Tricks":
- Before applying the medium, carefully wash your feet in lukewarm water with soap (better to use or conventional Baby-economical), then you need to have the water hot and the steam from the affected nail not less than 5-7 minutes. Such a procedure "opens" the cells of the nail what Polish or cream is allowed deeper into the tissue. Just do not forget that the hot foot baths are contraindicated for varicose veins, low blood pressure, increased temperature of the body.
- Make sure that the nail was growing up, it is time to cut. Embossed, "free" part of the nail plate should be deleted to free as regrowth of access of drug to the soft tissues of the nail bed.
- They process not only the nail but also the surrounding areas of healthy tissue. To not hesitate "the development of new areas", not less than 1 cm from the nail with the fungus is able to survive drug attack in the surrounding tissues, and at the end of the treatment, as matter-of-factly.
- If the fight against fungal infections lesions has been to your lifestyle, and you live in the mode of "delete mushroom - recovery features - discover the mushroom again" - be sure to consult a physician. You will probably have to sustainability not purchased your microscopic examination of a sample of the nail with the aim of identification of the pathogen and the subsequent prescribing of medications, the "your" mushroom yet.